Improve your accent with BeSpoke Voice CoachingAccent-uate the Positive

Accents are part of character, help to express personality and are mostly…delightful!

However sometimes they cloud the issue and create an unnecessary barrier to clear communication.  If you find yourself in the position of not being understood by a client, an employer, someone on the phone because of your accent – help is at hand.

But I Like my Accent!

I’m not into ‘airbrushing’ your heritage out of your voice (unless that’s what you want) but together we can identify the sticking points and bring welcome clarity.

It may be that part of the issue is a quiet voice – there are solutions to this, too.  By learning how you produce sound, naturally, you can increase your power and volume when you need it.

Brummy or Bristol, New York or New Dehli?

Your challenge may be that you desire an accent – for a particular event; a work presentation or an audition for a character role.  I can help you with this, too – even if you feel you don’t have an ‘ear’ for it.  It’s possible to work on the main traits of an accent to get you ‘in the zone’.

Why not send your questions to me – no obligation –  Get in touch and we’ll take it from there.

Look forward to hearing from you 🙂